Holistic competencies supported from the beginning!
Regardless of their age, social and cultural background, their needs and learning potential, and development tempo, we see each child as:
- Competent, independent, unique, distinctive and creative individuals.
- Co-engineers of their development and their knowledge.
- Curious and inquisitive personalities.
- Equal individuals, who have the right to be taken seriously and respected in their individuality. They also have the right to have their own experiences and to be given enough space and time to try out different activities.
The following basic skills should the children acquire:
Self competence: I can be me
This means for us, to support and promote the individuality and personality of every child, in its entirety. The children should develop an „I can do“ attitude, in order to establish confidence in their own mental and physical abilities. We encourage the children to independently walk their own path while we are available to assist them with
guidance and observation.
Social competence: Together we are strong
The group is an important place for learning and experiencing. The basic needs – love, security, tolerance, appreciation, safety – are lived and experienced. We see the groups as places where every child, regardless of age, nationality, special needs and social position, can develop. Every child with us has the possibility to build a trusting
relationship with their new care-giver. Through getting to know other children, the relationship diversity is demonstrated and experienced.
Expertise: Help me to do it myself
We encourage the children in their entirety and offer them various opportunities in the areas of language, movement, rhythm, music, artistic design, crafts, nature experiences, science, etc. The children develop their knowledge in various areas of life, theoretic and practical, in a playful way and through this they learn to act and make judgements.
The strengthening of these basic skills is a prerequisite for building learning method skills.
Learning skills: learning how to learn
Having a learning-method competence is the basis of conscious knowledge and competence aquisition and enables the children to choose between different learning and solution strategies. This is about learning how to learn, and how to promote skills that enable the acquisition of knowledge. In our Daycare Center we support the children in developing an understanding of their own learning. The encouraging of skills depends on the age of the child. The 1-3 year olds are supported in basic skills: technical, social and personal skills are in the foreground, this is intensified with our 3-6
year olds with learning the significance of different learning methods.