To promote the various skills of the children, we offer a comprehensive educational concept. The main focus is always the child’s welfare. Prerequisites for emotional and social learning is emotional security and a trusting relationship. Appreciative, sensitive and responsive behaviour of the educators and continuity of care, are therefore especially important to us.

 Intercultural offering: Mulitculturalism

At IDC we experience:

  • Acceptance and appreciation for all cultures, languages and ways of life
  • Celebrating different festivals through the year with parents’ involvement
  • Freedom of speech
  • Responding to the specific needs of children and parents
  • Emphasising importance of the mother language
  • Education partnership in the form of parent cooperation
  • Children seen as individuals (Learning tempo, character)
  • Parents seen as experts in their children’s lives; we support them as competent educators

As a cooperation partner of international firms for many years, we have observed the international and intercultural context in which the families and employees live their lives. We have especially observed that children, from different
cultural and linguistic backgrounds, who coexist together have a special learning opportunity, which we use to our advantage. We as a day care center are unique as we can offer a multilingual environment, while still being child-friendly and child-oriented, that is not overwhelming for children.


Bilingual language options: English as a second or third language

IMG_4850Regardless of age, our attitude is: „Before a language can be developed, you need to develop a relationship“. To acquire a language, certain conditions need to be assured. The most important thing is personal
attention – because early social experiences effect language development.
Encouraging communication, even in our youngest children, means for us:

  • Valuing and appreciating every child and every native language i.e. openness and acceptance for all languages
    Offering the children a playful space to use the German and English languages
  • To offer different opportunites to use the languages (through songs, rhymes, stories, word games, etc.)
  • Bringing language closer with the senses, i.e. teaching language through body language
  • To bring the children into the dialogue i.e. playfully promoting communication through observing and describing together everyday situations and emotions

So even the smallest can be assisted through playful and child-friendly learning, without being overwhelmed!

Inquisitive Learning

IMG_0512It is important for us that even the smallest children have their inherent curiosity awakened. Every-day is full of scientific phenomena, you just have to know how to recognise and comprehend it. With us the children can have their first basic experiences with all of the senses by making their first experiences with the different elements in a playful way e.g.:

playing with water or magnets, romping in the snow, experimenting with sand, observing plants during growth, or experimenting with
colour and form or light and shadow etc.


„It is essential that the child has the possibility to discover many things by themselves. If we help them solve all tasks, we deprive the child of what is most important for their mental developIMG_3049ment. A child that achieves something through self experimentation, acquires a completely different type of knowledge than a child who is offered a solution.“ (Emmi Pikler)